Sunday, May 12, 2013

Those of you looking to add a percentage indicator to the Messages application that indicate the send status of your outgoing messages will want to check out a new free jailbreak tweak in Cydia’s ModMyi repository called Message Send Percent by iOS developer greensnow.
 Message Send Percent, as shown above, adds a percentage indicator to the label above the send bar the shows the current progress. The actual percentage appears next to the label that says, “Sending…”
 As the message sends, the percentage dynamically updates as expected. When the message is sent, you will see a quick flash of the 100% indicator and then the sending indicator disappears from view like normal.
 Message Send Percent isn’t exactly a necessary tweak, since the indicator bar shows the progress graphically, rather than numerically; however, if you like seeing the numeric percents as well, you can use this jailbreak tweak to enable it once and for all.