Monday, June 27, 2016

រូបភាពថ្មីមួយ ដែលគេអះអាងថា គឺជា សម្បកក្រោយ iPhone 7 ត្រូវបានបង្ហោះកាលពីពេលថ្មីៗនេះ​ ដោយវិុបសាយ។ រូបភាព បានបង្ហាញយ៉ាងច្បាស់ថា សម្បកខាងក្រោយរបស់វា មិនមានរន្ធមូលដោតកាស 3.5 ម.ម នោះទេ ហើយត្រង់កន្លែងដោតកាសនេះ ត្រូវបាន ជំនួសដោយ ប្រហោងរន្ធឧបាល័រ មួយជួរទៀត ដូចនេះ រន្ធឧបាល័ររបស់ iPhone 7 នឹងមាន 2 ជួរ ដើម្បីទ្រទ្រង់សម្លេង ស្តេរីអូ។ បានបន្តទៀតថា គេសង្កេតឃើញ ប្រហោងដាក់កាម៉េរា មានទំហំធំជាងមុន… ដែលត្រូវនឹងដំណឹងលេចលឺកន្លងមក ដែលថា Apple នឹងបង្កើនសមត្ថភាពថតរូប នៅលើ iPhone 7។ ចំណែក វ័នអង់តែនមួយខ្សែ ដែលរត់កាត់ផ្នែកខាងក្រោយ និងនៅខាងក្រោមកាម៉េរា មិនឃើញមានទៀតទេ ប៉ុន្តែ វ័នដែលនៅគែម ផ្នែកខាងលើតួ គឺនៅមានដដែល។
គួររំលឹកថា ក្រុមហ៊ុន Apple ត្រូវបានគេរំពឹងថា នឹងប្រកាសពី iPhone ម៉ូដែលថ្មី នាខែ កញ្ញា ចុងឆ្នាំ 2016 នេះ ហើយបើតាម ដំណឹងដែលលេចលឺ កាលពីពេលថ្មីនេះៗ iPhone ម៉ូដែលក្រោយនេះ នឹងមាន 3 ប្រភេទគឺ: iPhone 7, 7 Plus និង 7 Pro៕

Monday, May 23, 2016

Another day, another iPhone 7 rumor, or at least another leak. Hot on the heels of a similar leak that claimed to show the dual-lens camera module from an iPhone 7 Plus, this new leak contains photos of schematics for what is claimed to be the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.
Discovered on Baidu by HDBlog, these schematics, or rather, their molds, are shown side-by-side as if to illustrate that one is the standard iPhone 7 while the other is the larger iPhone 7 Plus. While that’s all well and good, what it really shows us is that the rumored dual-camera designexpected to be part of Apple’s iPhone announcement this year will likely only be on the larger Plus model. As the schematics show, the extra lens is only depicted on the iPhone 7 Plus, meaning those choosing the smaller model will have to make do with just the one camera.

While cameras are great, some new technology said to be making its way to the iPhone 7 may also be unlikely to make an appearance, with the rumored Smart Connector nowhere to be seen on either the larger or smaller schematics.

Previously, rumors had suggested that the iPhone 7 Plus alone would feature the new Smart Connector technology that first debuted with the iPad Pro, but now it appears that neither model will, assuming these schematics are legitimate, of course.

As rumors start to mount up, the recent camera leak also had Apple launching a 256GB iPhone for the first time this September. Again it’s unclear whether this would be something just for the iPhone 7 Plus or the smaller iPhone 7. What we do know is that we are edging closer to the point where the rumors won’t be needed anymore because Tim Cook will be on-stage in September.
We cannot wait.

(Source: HDBlog [Google Translate])

iOS 9.3.3 Has Already Been Jailbroken

Apple only released iOS 9.3.3 in its initial beta form a few hours ago, but already, the new release has been jailbroken by developer Luca Tedesco as indicated by a photo that he posted a little while ago.
Taking to Twitter to show off the jailbreak, Luca posted a photo of an iPod touch running the Cydia jailbreak store while also displaying the current version of iOS that, obviously, is iOS 9.3.3.

Luca has previously spoken about possessing a jailbreak for iOS 9.3, and has even demoed it on video, but has not released it to the public, and neither does he plan to. As of this moment, there is no way to jailbreak any version of iOS from iOS 9.2 and beyond, which makes this photo and Luca’s past claims particularly interesting to those who jailbreak.

Currently, anyone wishing to jailbreak can only do so as long as their hardware is running iOS 9.1 or earlier, which brings with it its own issues of instability and missing features. Keeping up with iOS releases is vital, but if you want to stay jailbroken, that is not always an option.
There is a respectable stack of new features on offer in the latest major update from Apple, though. The features aren’t the only reason you might want to consider updating, as iOS 9.3 and its followup releases bring with them bug fixes alongside numerous speed and security improvements.

At this point, just like his iOS 9.3 jailbreak, it is not expected that Luca will make this iOS 9.3.3 beta jailbreak available to the public given his recent past and refusal to release a jailbreak that is so sorely wanted by many. We’re sure that Luca has his reasons for not wanting to either cash in or simply release the jailbreak for free to the public, but whatever those reasons, we doubt the jailbreak fanatics will agree with him, at least not en masse. But it is still good to know that iOS 9.3.3 is vulnerable and can be jailbroken.
The end result is still the same – if you’re going to jailbreak, make sure you don’t upgrade beyond iOS 9.1, let alone the freshest beta release available from the Apple Developer portal.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Your Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and/or any other other fancy high-tech devices you have are fun to use, but they’ll easily get dirty and collect dust, sneeze splatter, and bacteria from your fingers over time, whether they’re used frequently or not.
To combat grime, you can clean your devices every so often, but like anything else, there’s a right and a wrong way to do this.
In this piece, we’ll share with you some handy tips for cleaning your Apple devices safely so you don’t accidentally damage them.

The gross realities of every day device usage

As you use your Mac, you’re constantly breathing, sneezing, coughing, talking, and doing other things. As you do, moisture and particles from your body will spatter onto the display and other parts of the computer. If you turn your screen off, you might see little round dots that appear to be dried fluid.
Also, as you use your keyboard and trackpad, or even your touch screen on your mobile or wearable devices, you’re spreading the bacteria that you touch throughout the day to your machine and its input devices. You also smear face bacteria and oils all over your iPhone as you talk on the phone, and your arm sweat rubs on your Apple Watch.
If you let anyone else use your Mac or mobile devices, their germs are just going to spread on to you from your keyboard, track pad, and touch screens.
Yeah… doesn’t sound too appetizing, does it?
You should be cleaning your devices every so often not only so they look spick and span, but also to prevent unwanted spread of bacteria and germs from infecting you.

Cleaning your Apple devices 101

Although the guidelines for the right and wrong way to clean a device are mostly common sense, I see people wrongly cleaning their devices all the time and it makes me cringe. Here are some of the tips you should be following:
Avoid wet stuff
This is one of the things I see people failing to do all the time. It seems like I always witness people carelessly spraying Windex, rubbing alcohol, and other solvents onto their screens and devices to clean them up of bacteria and other forms of germs.
The fact of the matter is, these chemicals are very harmful to your device. They can break down the oleophobic coating on your touch screen, which helps resist fingerprints, and they can also ruin the anti-glare coating on your Mac. Reaching further than the displays, the fluids can penetrate the device’s open ports and slots, potentially causing water damage to your circuitry and device internals.
In almost every circumstance you should avoid using any liquids near the product, unless it’s completely unavoidable. If you do have to use fluids, you should spray the cloth you’re using to wipe the device, and not the device itself. This will help prevent fluids from running along the cracks and crevices of your device and working their way into the hardware.
Moreover, plain water is typically good enough for the cleaning job. There’s no need to introduce potentially harmful chemicals to the surface of your expensive equipment.
Use safe cloths only
Believe it or not, not all cloths are the same. There are microfiber cloths, lint-free cloths, towels, paper towels, bathroom tissue, and many other kinds of wiping materials people will try to use to clean their devices.
You should avoid anything that’s going to come apart on the device while you’re cleaning it. For this reason, you should avoid using towels filled with lint, such as ones you’ve used previously for dusting, and you should avoid paper towels and bathroom tissue because they can tear and pieces of it can become lodged in your device (especially if wet).
Apple recommends a lint-free cloth, and microfiber cloths made for cleaning screens, such as these cloths on Amazon for $9, work great for cleaning your Mac or iPhone’s screen. If you’ve ever bought a high-end screen protector or case before, then you probably already have some of these laying around and won’t need to buy more.
Never use anything abrasive, which would have a sandpaper-like surface to it, as it will ruin your screen or aluminum finish.
Unplug cables and external devices
When cleaning your device, whether it’s a Mac or an iOS device, you should disconnect all peripherals before you begin the cleaning process.
This not only helps prevent you from accidentally knocking things over when you lift your Mac up from its desk, but it also prevents wires with electrical power running through them from causing any kinds of electrical shorts, which would ruin the device.
In addition to unplugging cables, I’d go a step further and power the device down so that when you use any kind of moist lint-free cloth, you do so in a fashion that will be the most safe. Nothing good ever comes from getting electronics wet, but you reduce chances of damage when the device is powered down.

Wrapping up

Fortunately, many of Apple’s modern mobile devices, like the iPhone 6s/6s Plus and the Apple Watch are water resistant, but Apple’s Mac lineup and many older iOS devices do not have such a luxury. As a result, it’s a good rule of thumb to simply avoid using any kind of liquids. Just be careful in the selection of the towel you use for wiping, and make sure to take precautions to protect your machine before you start cleaning it and everything should go fine.