Tuesday, August 6, 2013

iPad mini 2 with New Apple logo

If the website FanaticFone is to be believed we may have on our hands pictures of the rear panel of the second generation iPad Mini. Compared to the current model this new panel looks very identical… besides that Apple logo that is.
If you take a look at the existing iPad Mini’s Apple logo it is mirrored and printed onto the aluminium. The same of course applies to the iPhone 5. But on this particular panel that allegedly belong to the iPad Mini 2 you can see that the logo is actually embedded inside the aluminum (just like on the regaulr sized iPad).
The site that leaked the panel states that it is indeed an “authentic part,” but also mentioned that it could be from a prototype. Meaning Apple could have just been using this panel to test the waters with a new design for the iPad Mini.

We will have to wait and see what Apple decides to do when it announces its new iOS lineup likely in September. Of course that’s assuming Apple does announce the iPad Mini 2, which has also been rumored to not show up until next year.