Monday, July 15, 2013

With Instagram gaining video capabilities just recently, some are a little upset that you can only capture new videos through Instagram and can’t import existing videos from your Camera Roll to Instagram.
 With a new jailbreak tweak, however, you can. Dubbed InstaChooser by iOS developer Stevie Hetelekides, this new tweak will let you choose existing videos from your Camera Roll and upload them to your Instagram.
 When you enter video mode in Instagram, you will see a new button labled “Import” that you can tap on to browse your Camera Roll for videos to upload, as shown above. Notably, you won’t want to upload a video longer than 15 seconds, because Instagram video only supports 15-second videos. We tried pushing the limits and anything longer than 15 seconds will fail to upload. If your imported video is less than 15 seconds to start with, Instagram will allow you to record another video for the rest of the 15 second duration.
 You can apply filters to imported Instagram videos as usual, as well as change the cover frame. After applying your changes, you can add your own comment the video like usual before finally uploading the video to Instagram for your followers to see.
 InstaChooser adds a preferences pane to the Settings application where you can enable or disable the tweak on demand:
I hardly use Instagram, but I think this is just a transitionary tweak, Instagram will sooner or later complet this feature. But if you would like to give InstaChooser a try, it is available on Cydia's BigBoss repository for just $0.99. The tweak currently supports the latest version of Instagram as of this writing.